OpenRoads Designer Help


Specifies the data file type to load and the Fieldbook to use within Survey.

You can access this tool from following:

Ribbon: Survey > Field Book > Import

Select in the Toolbox



Specifies the data file type to load and the Fieldbook to use within.

Text Wizard

Imports coordinate type ASCII files as well as longitude and latitude ASCII files.

Trimble Link

Imports Trimble JOB files with the help of the Trimble Link Engine.


Imports Graphics from the current dgn and creates linear and point features.

Since graphics are just plain lines and cells when we attempt to create a survey from graphics, We assign features based on the best match of certain parameters.

  • Cell Name of the Graphic Element
  • Level Name
  • Color
  • Line Style
  • Line Weight

We compare these parameters with the current workspace feature definitions and assign the best match, If many features do share these parameters, we will pick the first one.

It tries to match the graphic element's symbology to the feature definition of survey elements/templates.

The steps below explain how graphic elements work.

  1. First, it will check and compare the Level Name of the Graphic Element for lines, and the cell name for points, if it matches a Level Name or cell name of a Feature Definition from the currently selected workspace, then that respective Feature definition will be assigned to that element. To find this match it works its way back from the Element Template (level name/cell name, color, line style, line weight)>feature symbology > Feature Definition and matches.
  2. If the Level Name/Cell Name cannot be found or does not exist, then next it will match all 3 attributes of the graphic element: color, line style, and line weight, if all 3 matches the element template of a Feature definition found in the workspace, then that Feature Definition will be assigned to that element.
  3. If only 2 attributes are found then it will match Color and Line Style, Line Style and weight, and Line Style only (color and weight only will not be matched and will be assigned the default miscellaneous feature).

If many feature definitions from the workspace share the same matched parameters, then we will use the first feature found.

Bentley Survey

Used for archiving and retrieval (back-up in case dgn gets corrupted). Works on the Points and Chains, no observations or any other objects are saved or created via SQL lite database and can support multiple data-sets.